Granite Mountain Hotshots - Commemorative Patch
Our Kokopelli "Production Team" is rushing to produce these patches in record time. These beautiful 4.5in tall x 3.75in wide patches are IN PRODUCTION for shipment in late August (the digitizing and embroidery process takes considerably longer to complete than the PHOTO-ULTRA pins we are producing). The design on these patches is based on the GMHS shoulder patch...we have produced and will supply these small tokens of appreciation to our audience as long as the orders come in. 100% of the sales price in excess of our cost to produce will be donated to the "United Phoenix Fire Fighters Association Account" set up to benefit fire fighters killed in the Yarnell fire...we continue to donate 100% of the lapel pin sales price, but the patches are a significantly more expensive item to produce...we can give away our profits on the patches, but need to cover our production expenses on them. - - - - - - - - - WHEN ORDERING please choose between: WITH VELCRO & Without VELCRO...(seen under "View Colors") - - - - - - - - There, but for the grace of God go I...I retired after 11 years as a Driver/Engineer with the Plantation Florida Fire Department. I have felt the heat of death breathing down my neck on more than a few occasions and I am deeply saddened by the loss of these brave souls. - - - - - - - - - - - S&H for up to 10 patches is $2.75 USPS First Class Mail. Eleven or more patches will ship via Priority Mail FLAT RATE SMALL BOX, (if it fits, it ships) for $5.25.