DHS-TSA #2926 Premium Stock Business Cards
Please click on the "LINK" to go to the custom ordering page. Premium Stock Business Cards are the choice of the discriminating executive. Printed in FULL COLOR, per GPO guidelines on HEAVY 120# stock. We are able to print these PREMIUM style business cards at a price that is no more expensive than the "budget brand" cards many are used to settling on from their local print shop. The stock we use is the equivalent thickness of 6 pieces of regular copier paper or roughly the thickness of two or three of the cards you are used to. Available for purchase on our "SPA" - Simplified Purchase Agreement through the GPO, Contractor Code #: 090-49366, PO #93862. See the "Personalized Letter Head", "Personalized Envelopes" and "Personalized Notepads" sold separately. Available for purchase ONLY by authorized TSA personnel. Shipped ONLY to TSA offices.
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On purchases of less than $250.00: Despite my best efforts, there are still minor glitches in my 'combined quantity' S&H that occur when you purchase more than one item of more than one product. I HAVE RESET ALL S&H CHARGES TO $0.00 FOR ALL METHODS OF SHIPPING. Trust me, nothing bothers me more than seeing an 'abusive' S&H charge on things that I order on-line.
I guarantee that your S&H cost will not be a penny more than what UPS, or FEDEX or the USPS charges me for the service you choose, (Ground, Overnight, 2-Day, 3-Day).
Production time: 2-3 days